2023. 5. 17.

Hello. Today, I've come with the Seawith Logbook Episode 1! Some of you may be thinking, 'Suddenly? What's this logbook about?' Originally, we used to refer to our introduction material as a 'Voyage Report.' So, to introduce Seawith in a slightly lighter way, we decided to call it the 'Seawith Logbook.' And if you understand why we refer to Seawith's journey as a 'voyage,' you'll likely understand everything.
First of all, I'd like to explain why we named ourselves Seawith. Seawith is a compound word combining 'seaweed' and 'with,' symbolizing the sea and togetherness. It's a straightforward name that represents a biotechnology company utilizing marine algae, but it also encapsulates our vision.
The sea is an infinite supplier of resources and an unknown realm full of possibilities. Just as we discovered the potential of cultured meat from marine algae, we wanted to express our desire to develop technologies that solve various world problems, inspired by the sea – 'with the sea,' 'from the sea,' and 'like the sea.'
As a result, we have adopted many titles that befit the name Seawith. Seawith's journey is a 'voyage,' and its members are a team and crew aboard a ship. Our team meetings are referred to as 'deck meetings,' symbolizing everyone gathering on the deck.
Sometimes, we'll show you the image of a navigator accurately guiding the course to the destination on the vast ocean. Sometimes, we'll show you the image of a diver exploring the deep sea. Sometimes, we'll show you the image of a fisherman reeling in a valuable catch. And at times, we'll show you the image of an explorer planting the first flag on a new continent. Look forward to the diverse Seawith journeys that will showcase various facets.
The Seawith's voyage, in line with its concept, continues!
Bon voyage!