2023. 5. 17.

Hello. Today, I'd like to talk about Yo.od, the low-iodine seaweed brand from Seawith. Thanks to its unique deep umami flavor, we can easily encounter seaweed as an ingredient in our daily lives. However, this seaweed contains a significant amount of iodine. Iodine is an essential nutrient that is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. However, excessive iodine intake can be harmful to thyroid health. While excessive iodine intake does not always lead to thyroid disorders, there is a significant relationship between hyperthyroidism and excessive iodine consumption, which has been continuously researched.
Especially for those who need to pay attention to thyroid health due to family history or other factors, appropriate iodine intake is crucial. Of course, even for the general population, it is important not to exceed the upper limit of iodine intake (2500ug). Thyroid experts have been warning against excessive iodine consumption, and strict regulations on iodine overconsumption have already been implemented in the European Union and Germany.
Upon hearing these facts, we thought, "If we could simply remove iodine from seaweed, anyone could enjoy seaweed without concerns." And by utilizing the principle of iodine accumulation in seaweed, we have developed our proprietary technology to effectively reduce the iodine content in seaweed. Furthermore, while preserving other beneficial nutrients, we aim to introduce Seawith's seaweed, which retains its taste and texture, and raise awareness about excessive iodine intake. Hence, we named our brand Yo.od, representing the smile of satisfaction and healthy food symbolizing the possibility of everyone's consumption. The logo for Yo.od was designed by simplifying the vessel symbol, which represents a healthy meal that enhances the value of life. The ongoing endeavors of Seawith to elevate the value of life will continue.
Thank you.